Tutorial 4,
Configuring the Web Security Functions

Configuring the Script-Functions and Script-Ad Blocker

Now let's configure the Ad Blocking and Web Security Filter Functions by opening the Web Rules property sheet in the Guard-IE Settings/Control Panel:

To make sure you are not bothered by drop-down script ads, check "Prevent embedded dropdown ads in database."  Remember that this will affect only ads from domains currently in the Bad Ad DatabaseÖ .  You can also prevent "InVue" Ads by checking "Prevent FastClick InVue Ads."

Email us if you find any domains not in the Guard-IE database where this technique is being used so we can extend this feature.

To prevent the hijacking of your browser (re-setting of home page, changing of window size, etc., check the remaining boxes.  This will insure that your browser will never be moved or resized.  It will also prevent your home page from being reset!

For now you can leave the Web Firewall settings as they are.  This is an advanced feature to be explored when you have more experience with Guard-IE.  CAUTION:  If you turn on all these Web Rules features, many Web pages will cease to function properly.

Next:  Setting Other Functions